Lahabrea | Elidibus | Emet-Selch | Loghrif | Mitron | Pashtarot | Fandaniel
Altima | Halmarut | Nabriales | Igeyorhm | Deudalaphon | Emmerololth | Azem
Ancients | Misc. Art References | Speculation
Ascian Reference Pile
This is intended to be an up-to-date reference on FFXIV's Convocation of Fourteen, in appearance and lore. Please be aware of 6.0 spoilers and beyond.As a reference, this site includes masks, quotes, glyphs, and a slight blurb on the character's lore relevance. It is not intended to discuss everything about the character, just give a brief background.You can navigate this site using the names in the header bar.Click images for a larger version!Please be aware that due to the nature of this content there will be spoilers for the story in patches and side content.

Maintained by @Igeyorhm on twitter
Thanks to shb_shibal for the Korean names.
Thanks to Ssumer_b, IrMohriff14, and the Chinese FFXIV wiki for the Chinese names.
And the most thanks to Altima for help with the screenshots!
ラハブレア , 라하브레아 , 拉哈布雷亚
The Seat of Lahabrea is given to a specialist in creation, who focuses on phantom entities.One of the Ancient world's most highly respected individuals; a scholar of debate holding the title of Speaker in the Convocation, and a master creator heading the phantomology department of Akadaemia Anyder. He also oversees Pandaemonium as the Chief Keyward, where dangerous creations are tested and researched.He is known to have a son - Erichthonios - with his colleague, Athena.Soul bonded with Athena, Lahabrea learned of her machinations - including dangerous and unethical experimentation. Unable to stand the corruption, he tore out a part of his soul, separating his emotions and heart into what eventually became the individual known as Hephaistos.In modern times, he is one of three Unsundered Ancients remaining, Emet-Selch commenting that his soul degrades from frequently changing host vessels.Lahabrea is frequently associated with fire, by his colleagues, his creations, and through his skills in battle.For Hephaistos references, please see the Ancients tab. For alternative, 3.0 face references, please see the Speculation tab.True Name: Hephaistos
Title: Abyssal Celebrant (深淵の司祭)
Glyph: Mateus, the Corrupt
Constellation: Pisces
Constellation Crystal color: Sky blue
Constellation Crystal Quote: "The time is come. We shall rewrite the laws of creation. And we shall save our star."
Status: Consumed by Thordan's Eye of Nidhogg, which was used to fuel Shinryu's summoning and destroyed by Estinien.

エリディブス , 엘리디부스 , 艾里迪布斯
One of three Unbroken Ancients remaining after Hydaelyn's Sundering.Elidibus wears the white robes of the Emissary, a Seat given to an individual with impartial judgement.A close companion to Azem, he journeyed through Pandaemonium with the Warrior of Light, demonstrating an ability to quickly learn and utilize new skills.Elidibus was sacrificed during Zodiark's Summoning to become His Heart. After the sacrifices, Elidibus separated himself from the primal in order to mediate agreement within the convocation on the proper course to pursue.Elidibus in the modern era focuses on balance and seems to oversee the actions of his Sundered colleagues. However, his memory rapidly degrades, and by the events of 5.3, he has lost much of his past and himself, only the most precious and fundamental memories remaining.In 6.0, the last remnants of his soul are used to fuel the Crystal Tower's time magicks, allowing passage to Elpis, before Etheirys' Sundering.True Name: Themis
Title: The Emissary
Glyph: Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts
Constellation: Ophiuchus
Constellation Crystal color: Colorless
Constellation Crystal Quote: "From this life, our savior born...May I be worthy of the honor."
Status: Defeated in combat during the events of 5.3, the Crystal Tower used to trap him. The remnants of his mind and soul were eliminated in order to facilitate travel to the past. Now he awaits the return of his colleagues after their duty to the star is complete.

エメトセルク , 에메트셀크 , 爱梅特赛尔克
The Third Seat, Emet-Selch is the keeper of the aetherial realm - the Underworld or Lifestream.Close companion to Azem and Hythlodaeus and one of three remaining Unsundered Ancients.Gifted with great skill in a special sight, Emet-Selch sees the glow of life itself: souls of varying colors and intensities. This skill facilitated his rise to the Seat, supported by the many individuals he helped in his journey.In the modern era, Emet-Selch is often assigned to the creation and destruction of Empires to cause chaos throughout the land. His current project: Garlemald.During the events of 5.0, Emet-Selch aids the Warrior of Darkness in absorbing the Lightwardens, hoping to use the resulting Sin Eater to destroy the First.Emet-Selch is encountered once more during 6.0 in Elpis, where he attempts to recruit Hermes, Chief Overseer, to the Convocation of Fourteen. There, he learns the truth of the Sundered future and Final Days - only to forget it soon after due to Kairos, a memory alteration system.He was summoned from the Lifestream in 5.3 and 6.0 by Azem's magicks to assist the Warrior of Light.True Name: Hades
Title: Angel of Truth (真理の天使)
Glyph: Zalera, the Death Seraph
Constellation: Gemini
Constellation Crystal color: Dark Purple
Constellation Crystal Quote: "Gone is the brilliant radiance of life, replaced by the sickly glow of malformed creatures. Is this to be how it ends? For we who loved the star with all our being? No. I will not suffer it to be so."
Status: Defeated during the events of 5.0, temporarily summoned from the Lifestream by Azem's magicks in 5.3 and 6.0.

アログリフ , 알로그리프 , 阿洛格里夫
The Seat of Loghrif is given to the foremost authority in terrestrial lifeforms and husbandry.Partner to Mitron.Repeatedly reincarnating with her partner, Loghrif's last known incarnation was defeated by Ardbert on the First, instantly killed by a blade of Light. Reincarnated alone, during the events of Eden she met her soulmate once more, regaining some of their memory together.For further references, please see the misc art references category.True Name: Gaia
Title: the Transcendent (超越的な)
Glyph: Belias, the Gigas
Constellation: Aries
Constellation Crystal color: Pale Green
Constellation Crystal Quote: "The heavens are ablaze and the land rent asunder. What will become of the world? Is life itself to be denied?"
Status: One shard alive and unascended (but with Mitron's memories) on the First; another shard possibly reascended to the seat.

ミトロン , 미트론 , 米特隆
The seat of Mitron is given to the foremost authority in the field of aquatic life.A resident in the Akadaemia Anyder, Mitron researched and engendered aquatic lifeforms that persisted until the modern era, such as walking sharks, flying whales, and clionids.Partner to Loghrif.In the modern era, a fragment of Mitron assigned to the First was tasked with Rejoining. Defeated by Ardbert, Mitron was struck with a Blade of Light, becoming the first Sin Eater: Eden.Mitron's now umbrally-charged soul was vulnerable to influence, and Ardbert unintentionally exerted his will - his desire for light - over Eden, a catastrophe that resulted in the Flood of Light.True Name: Artemis
Title: the Chastiser (懲悪の神官)
Glyph: Chaos, Walker of the Wheel
Constellation: Taurus
Constellation Crystal color: Purple
Constellation Crystal Quote: "Come what may, we must not surrender to despair. If we but hold fast to hope, we may yet find a path to salvation."
Status: Fragment on the first: Desceased, after the events of Eden in 5.4; formerly trapped within the first Sin Eater, Eden.
The lack of pauldrons may imply another shard has already been raised in replacement.

パシュタロット , 파시타로트 , 帕斯塔罗特
The Seat of Pashtarot preserves discipline and order.We've been awaiting Pashtarot's return for seven years.True Name: Unknown
Title: the Knight-Star (騎士聖斗)
Glyph: Zeromus, the Condemner
Constellation: Cancer
Constellation Crystal color: Scarlet
Constellation Crystal Quote: "Though salvation is ours, it came at great sacrifice. All the remains is to pray...To pray that we will one day meet again, beneath a blue sky."
Status: Unknown. Last seen at the end of 2.0.

ファダニエル , 파다니엘 , 法丹尼尔
The Seat of Fandaniel is given to the foremost authority in extant phenomena.As Hermes, Fandaniel was the Chief overseer of Elpis, a region where creations were tested and judged for their readiness to be released in the outside world. Hermes took great care with those entities under his charge, empathizing and aiding those even the other researchers gave up on.He specializes in birds and bird-like entities.His research into extant phenomena gave him knowledge of an energy form known as dynamis, which he utilized to create the entelechy, Meteion, in order to visit the distant stars he dreamed of.Meteion was tasked with visiting far off civilizations and asking the inhabitants their meaning of life, as Hermes questioned his own, but found only emptiness and despair.He challenged Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus, Venat, and the Warrior of Light at the heights of the Ktisis Hyperborea, and allowed Meteion to flee, that Meteion might judge mankind as they judged their creations. He then utilized the memory alteration system Kairos to wipe his, Emet-Selch's, and Hythlodaeus' memories of the events.Fandaniel's knowledge of dynamis allowed the Convocation to determine how Zodiark might be utilized to rewrite the laws of existence and stop the Final Days.Onto Hermes' soul is engraved a desire to explore the stars, his far off hope.In the Sundered world, the Seat of Fandaniel is held by Amon, an Allagan technologist.Disagreeing with the Unsundered's plan for Rejoining and restoring the original world, because he finds no value in life, Fandaniel instead allies himself with Zenos yae Galvus, creating a group known as the Telophoroi - the orchestrators of the end - in order to end the world utilizing the Final Days.After Elidibus' defeat, Fandaniel takes his place the Heart of Zodiark, where he allows himself to be defeated. Zodiark's defeat unweaves the laws protecting Etheirys, and begins the Final Days anew.True Name: Hermes
Title: the Protector (守護者)
Glyph: Hashmal, Bringer of Order
Constellation: Leo
Constellation Crystal color: Crimson
Constellation Crystal Quote: " forth...bring honor to the seat of..."
Status: Defeated during the events of 6.0 after becoming the Heart of Zodiark.

ウルテマ , 알티마 , 乌尔缇玛
Altima is the Seat given to an advocate of the arts, versed in skills such as writing or theatre.It has been revealed that Altima's mask is one of those on Gaius' belt.True Name: Unknown
Title: Unknown (The High Seraph) (大天使)
Glyph: Ultima, the High Seraph
Constellation: Virgo
Constellation Crystal color: Pink
Constellation Crystal Quote: "I feel my soul turning. Slowly but irrevocably. And the power I wield begins to seem terrible...But this is right. It is right."
Status: Unknown, last seen during 2.3. However, it was stated that Ascians are difficult to vanquish. Just because Gaius is in possession of Altima's mask does not imply death.

ハルマルト , 할마루트 , 哈尔马鲁特
The Seat of Halmarut is given to the foremost authority in plant and fungal life.A resident in the Akadaemia Anyder, Halmarut researches plant and fungal lifeforms, engendering subjects such as giant cactuars, morbols, and the mandragora court.True Name: Unknown
Title: the Arbiter (仲裁者)
Glyph: Exodus, the Judge-Sal
Constellation: Libra
Constellation Crystal color: Yellow
Constellation Crystal Quote: "Behold, my friends.
Embraced by the earth and caressed by the wind, vibrant life flourishes. All is right in creation."
Status: Unknown, never witnessed in the modern era.

ナプリアレス , 나브리알레스 , 那布里亚勒斯
The role of the Seat of Nabriales is currently unknown.In the past, Nabriales was assigned to the Twelfth.In the current era, tasked with aiding Lahabrea, he seemingly oversaw summoning of Shiva within Ishgard. Nabriales confronts the Scions of the Seventh Dawn during the events of 2.X, hoping to obtain Louisoux's relic, Tupsimati, where he independently attempted to initiate a Rejoining.Nabriales uses time and earth-based magicks during combat, the time spells bearing the mark of his seat.True Name: Unknown
Title: the Majestic (尊厳王)
Glyph: Cu Chulainn, the Impure
Constellation: Scorpio
Constellation Crystal color: Blue
Constellation Crystal Quote: "Everything burns. Crumbles. Decays. I hear the lamentation of my brethren. And soon there will be only silence."
Status: Defeated in combat during the events of 2.5.

イゲオルム , 이게요름 , 以格约姆
The Seat of Igeyorhm is given to a champion skilled in enlightenment and rhetoric.Seen with Lahabrea, both past and present.After the Sundering, Igeyorhm was assigned to the Thirteenth. Her skills repeatedly granted her victory over the Thirteenth's Warriors of Light, who worked independently, rather than together. Its saviors tainted by auracite, Igeyorhm's meddling eventually led to the fragment's downfall: the Thirteenth became what we know now as the Void.Unusable to the Ascians for Rejoining, Igeyorhm sought repetance by working with Lahabrea on the Source.In the Ancient world, Igeyorhm is seen lightly scolding Elidibus and teasing Lahabrea.Igeyorhm prefers using the element of Ice in combat.For her alternative, 3.0 face references, see Speculation.True Name: Unknown
Title: the Martyr (殉教者)
Glyph: Shemhazai, the Whisperer
Constellation: Sagittarius
Constellation Crystal color: Green
Constellation Crystal Quote: "There can be no greater joy than to use our wisdom for the good of our people. No greater pride."
Status: Defeated by thee Warrior of Light in the Aetherochemical Research Facility during the events of 3.0.

デュダルフォン , 듀달폰
The role of the Seat of Deudalaphon is currently unknown.As of 6.2, Deudalaphon has finally been mentioned by name in-game: in the Ascian codex entry.One of Gaius' masks is known to be Deudalaphon's, but nothing else is known at this time.True Name: Unknown
Title: the Benevolent (慈愛の教皇)
Glyph: Adrammelech, the Wroth
Constellation: Capricorn
Constellation Crystal color: Grey
Constellation Crystal Quote: "May all know happiness, now and forevermore."
Status: Unknown, it was stated that Ascians are difficult to vanquish. Just because Gaius is in possession of Deudalaphon's mask does not imply death.

エメロロアルス , 에메로롤스 , 艾梅若萝丝
Emmerololth is the Seat given the foremost authority in medicine and healing.Emmerololth is known to have meddled in the events surrounding the Isle of Val and Eureka. She sought to use the primal Eureka, which will attempt to grant any wish - including those that can drain the land dry, such as creating a Mothercrystal.When Galuf sent the Isle of Val into the lifestream, Emmerololth was on it, immediately returning her soul to the lifestream.True Name: Unknown
Title: Holy Queen (聖王妃)
Glyph: Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud
Constellation: Aquarius
Constellation Crystal color: Turquoise
Constellation Crystal Quote: "We will deliver our star from its doom, this we swear. So please, dry your tears."
Status: Lost in the Lifestream during 2.1; seen alive, presumably another fragment, Ascended in 2.3.

アゼム , 아젬 , 阿谢姆
Azem is the seat of the counselor to the people.Close companion to Elidibus, Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus.The duty of Azem's seat was less in overseeing Amaurot, instead being more involved in the daily life of the star's citizenry.Azem worked, as did all the convocation, for the health and safety of the star, sometimes independently and with questionable methods, resulting in censure.Azem seems to be the source of the mythos of Azeyma of the Twelve and Azim, the Dawn Father.True Name: Unknown
Title: Shepherd to the Stars [the Traveler]
Glyph: None
Constellation: the Sun
Constellation Crystal color: Amber
Constellation Crystal Quote: Herein I commit the chronicle of the traveler. Shepherd to the stars in the dark. Though the world be sundered and our souls set adrift, where you walk, my dearest friend, fate shall surely follow.
Status: Alive

Akadaemia Anyder (WiP)
The Words of Mitron
In the Words of Mitron, marine biology is researched and engendered.
The Words of Halmarut
In the Words of Halmarut, botany is researched and botantical creations are engendered.
The Words of Lahabrea
In the Words of Lahabrea, phantomology is researched. The Phoenix was born here.
Miscellaneous Mask References
1. Lahabrea
2. Elidibus
3. Igeyorhm
4. Mitron
5/6. Gaius' masks. Altima and Deudalaphon, which is which is unclear.7-10. Variations of the masks seen on Emet-Selch during the Hades battle. These were commissioned from tuhis_ffxiv.
11. Theoretical Loghrif mask, taken from splitting the Mitron/Loghrif Prime. Commissioned from tuhis_ffxiv.
Gaius' Masks
No longer speculation! Gaius' belt has two red masks belonging to members of the Sundered Convocation.During a Q&A it was revealed that these two masks belong to Altima and Deudalaphon.It was also noted that Ascians are hard to kill. Just because Gaius has the masks does not mean they were permanently vanquished.
Azem's Glyph
Though Azem is yet to show a glyph over their features like the Ascians of the Convocation of Fourteen, nor do they have an Esper Glyph to draw from, there are hints one might exist.It is notable that in Akadaemia Anyder, the glyphs are shown to be on display. It is likely that Azem had one in their place of work, or perhaps in the capitol proper.Furthermore, in Nabriales' fight, certain spells have a glyph at their base. You can see this in image 2. This is a similar effect to what we see displayed on Azem's magic during the events of 5.3 (1).
Mitron's Missing Pauldrons in Eden
Members of the Convocation who have been Ascended to their seat and taken their title have wing adornments and pauldrons. Golden and quite large, it's notable that Mitron does not.It is quite possible that the reason he lacks this adornment is because another fragment has already been raised to the Seat after his demise. This would make the fragment encountered in Eden the previous title holder and no longer current.